Muffle Furnace

It is an instrument used in laboratories for heating the materials at high temperatures. The materials are heated after isolating from the fuel. Isolation of a material can be done via a Muffle furnace to reduce the risks of cross-contamination and for the identification of specific properties of a material.
Muffle furnaces play a crucial role in the applications of high-temperature. Scientific researchers need to identify the non-violent and non-combustible content in a laboratory research sample. 
Moreover, the chemical properties of a material can also be determined with the help of a Muffle Furnace. It involves; glass, enamel coatings, ceramics etc.
Besides this, there are some additional applications of this equipment. It involves ash melting point analysis, drug inspections, brazing, quality control, material research, and analysis of water quality. Hence, muffle furnaces are very beneficial and essential for a range of industries including textiles to ceramics.

Model      JL – MF


Temperature RangeUp to 900Degree
Available Size4x4x9 6x6x12


  • Temperature sensing through a J-type sensor.
  • Highly accurate test results under uniform temperatures.
  • PID Control for Temperature.
  • High Grade density imported Glass Wool Blanket insulation.
  • Maximum Thermal Efficiency by insulation means.
  • SSR based heaters.
  • Auto tuning Advance PID controller